
Adventures in Nerdom

You all know I'm a nerd. I delight in my nerdiness to an annoying extent. I think about half of my blog posts have been about poetry or literature, and all of the drafts that I've refrained from publishing are. (Everyone should employ a filtering system on their blogs. I'm talking to you, emo kids.)

Yes, I am a Lord of the Rings loving, History Channel watching, video game playing, sci fi viewing, alien believing, flashlight under the blanket reading, art . . . something . . . nerd.

So, naturally, I want to publish something. What self respecting nerd doesn't want to inflict her nerdiness on an unsuspecting world? I bet you have some unfinished manuscript stashed under the bathroom sink. Okay, maybe it's just in some long forgotten computer file you haven't opened since high school, but it's there.

(Random side note: I just displayed my weirdness to my 1st period student by fashioning a screwdriver from a paper clip and tape. She is now staring at me like I may be a robot. On the bright side, my desk doesn't wobble. I am worthy of an 80s action TV show.)

I gave up on the pipe dream of writing a book long ago. I don't have that kind of concentration. I can barely write an email anymore, so to write a novel without previous monetary incentive is a little unfathomable.

Poetry I can do. It's easy and eager like that girl that sits half way back in your Survey of Philosophy class. You know the one. And who would have thought there would be so many? Poetry contests, not easy and eager 18-year-olds.

So here I go. I'm submitting. Yay! It's an adventure in nerdom, and expedition into the world outside of my own head and my own gigs of black text. Tie up the string, drop the bread crumbs, and point the compass north. After all, I do want to make it home safe.


  1. I will not stop my emo posting. yea suck on that!

    I still love you though.

  2. Ahhh. Well, I have written a 120,000 word novel. I hear you edit. My Aunt is Clarissa O'Connor and your mother was at my house New Year's Eve. An agent is looking over my manuscript...knowing it has not been edited. But I would like it to get a good spit and polish. (= I would like to talk to you.
